Lyric discussion by Matty Dubs 

I haven't read all of the comments yet, but I joined this sight specifically to comment on this song. Two-Headed Boy does sound romantic, especially in the context of the whole record. As my friend said, this CD was like "catnip for indie girls," back in the last millennium.

But let's be honest, this song vividly conjures up the image of something you might see at a museum of anatomical oddities (there's one in New Orleans). Literally, he's singing about some freakish fetus or newborn, with two heads preserved in formaldehyde, which they used to do all the time for research (read: gawking). Look,"floating in glass," "jar," the lighting, fixed eyes etc. all make it pretty clear to me. To top it off the song is followed by what that track that sounds like a Creole funeral procession (they have those in New Orleans too).

It's a metaphor of course. For what, I haven't a fecking clue... I'm not a literature type of person. If it's a love song, he's certainly taken the scenic route... and rather grotesque one at that. But that would be consistent with the material on this record (think suicidal fathers juxtaposed with someone's first sexual experience on Carrot Flowers).

That said, this is one of my all-time favorite songs. Still gives me chills.

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