Lyric discussion by moomoosnake 

I'm not sure i completely get this song, it's kind of a mix of happy and sad. It's such a good song. I always thought it was a happy happy song, but after being forced to listen to the lyrices, it became so much better, and complex. To me, it's about the bittersweet side of love, it's great to be in love and you always want it to be like that and force it to be like it is in the movies, but sometimes it just doesn't/won't work ("you think you've got it, but got it just don't get it when there's nothing at all to get"). It's about accepting the inevitability of change ("People say that nothig lasts forever, what makes love an exception?") and acting upon it. I think he knows that the relationship is doomed, and it must be ended before it hurts them both ("separate's always better when there's feelings involved"). He is after all, just being honest. I don't really understand the bit about ("thank God for Mum and Dad for keeping two together"), but maybe it's like he's taking comfort in the fact that relationships sometimes do progress past the tough periods (if they're made to) and that kind of long term love does exist and is possible. I love the line "y'all don't want to hear me, y'all just want to dance" because to me it's what the song's about, having fun without thinking about the end, you don't want to hear, just dance, live for the moment.

um, yeah.... I love this song (but probably not forever...)

I totally agree i think there is a very bittersweet quality to the song. I def think he is referring to how some relationships, along with many other thigns ins life have to come to an end.

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