Lyric discussion by adamndirtyshame 

i think that this song is more directly aimed at the israeli jews who have become influenced by rastafari. many of them are hyper-nationalists and go off to the illegally occupied west bank and gaza strip to become settlers on stolen palestinian land. these territories are THEIR "promised land", NOT the promised land of the rastas. the zion that the rastas refer to is not israel/palestine, but ethiopia (and more generally, africa). unlike the jewish zionists, the rastas in jamaica, grenada, canada, etc dont believe in a physical migration to their promised land until freedom is achieved where they're living now. this is what hallie sellasse told the global rasta community upon his trip to jamaica in the 60s.

another line that makes it clear that this song is about zionists is "you simply fill the gap between the upper and lower class", referring to the middle class status that most of the rasta-influenced zionist settlers have. the upper class are the powerful white americans who need israel as a strategic US ally as well as the israeli power elite made up of mostly jews of european descent. conversely, the settlers are mostly poorer jews of middle eastern and african descent. the upper class puts them in extremely dangeous settlements in the middle of war zones so they can expand israel's territorial assets and serve as de facto military bases for the israeli army, in order to protect the rest of israel from the palestinians, who are the lower class. this situation is certainly not beneficial to the settlers, but their faith in religion and nationalism "keeps them in line".

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