Lyric discussion by davidbeauy 

I think this song is definately an ode to the love/hate relationship many people have with drugs. I guess that's kind of obvious but I love the way that Bowie is seemingly ambivalent in his approach. It's more realistic than his "Ashes to Ashes" theme -- I guess at that time of his life, while he was supposedly mainly drug free and in an alcoholic daze in Germany. Allegedly he was still dabbeling in Coke so I guess that would explain the inevitability tone that he enforces in this tune. I think "B & T B " is a great album opener and I love how it's manic spirit befits the album. I lvoe driving with the top down blasting this song -- no one knows who or what it is -- except the cool people.

I know! Thanks for letting me be cool with you! :)

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