Lyric discussion by backy 

this was the first song i head by broken social scene and i immediatley fell in love with it. it is still my favourite song bby them ecause it brings back so much to me. it is so nice musically and also vocally. it's very catchy too. to me the song means something else rather than what he's actually talking about. i didn't know what he was talking about until i read the lyrics here. for me it was something totally different. but now that i have read the lyrics i think he's talking about the church. about how going against it got you in a whole load of shit and you just got burned, back in the days. the cause is what everyone wants, which (in my opinion) is god or a connection with him. but it's in a modern-day mode, not 1400's mode. the "waiting room that wants to save your life" could be heaven and "separatuib is divine" could be dieing and leaving earth. there's a lot of controversy in the song and my opinion changes about every single time i play the song, but overall he's talking about religion. i like this song a lot.

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