Lyric discussion by funkafied 

"Does anyone else hear a man yelling behind the music... it's at about 3 minutes and 17 seconds into the song. It's as though you can hear the argument in the background of the song."

Yeah, I just listened to it at that spot and I hear it. Around 3:22 it sounds like he says "I'll be fine" and then 3:26 or 3:27 or so he yells it. That's what it sounds like to me, at least.

Beautiful song. She paints the scene incredibly.

Yeah I love that bit! I can only make out him saying 'I'll be fine' then her saying 'You're not fine' Then some mumbling and him shouting 'I'LL BE FINE!' I wish I knew what the rest was :(

it seems like he screams "I'll be fine! Don't touch me!"

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