Lyric discussion by mc5afro 

My knowledge of Sanskrit and Hindism's pretty limited, but I think I've sussed out Govinda with the help of "" and ""

Govinda Jaya Jaya Gopala Jaya Jaya

= All glories to Govinda (the Supreme Lord) All glories to Gopala (the Supreme Lord as a boy tending a herd of cows)

Radha Ramana Hari Govinda Jaya Jaya

= All glories to Radha Ramana (Lord krishna who takes away all material attatchments of devotees)

Nrsingadeva Jaya Nrsingadeva Gaura Gaura Gaura Hari

= All glories to Nrsingadeva (Krishna when he adopts a lion's head and a human's body to protect devotes from demons) and all glories to Gaura Hari (The Golden Supreme - Krishna when he appeared near Bombay in the sixteenth century as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabu)

Gaura Hari Prabhupta Govinda

=The Golden Supreme, The Hare Krishna Movement, The Supreme Lord.

Sanskrit's a fascinating language. One word can often have several different meanings which can make translation tricky. Some of the sages took advantage of these double (or quintuple :-}) meanings to make their scriptures work on several levels simultaneously.

Just to make things even more interesting, many Hindus believe in one universal force which can manifest itself as several different Gods simultaneously. Govinda, Gopola, Nrsingdeva (along with all he protects us from) and Gaura Hari are all different aspects of the same thing.

Of course, Govinda is also within and without each of us. We just have to look......

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