Lyric discussion by Navelgazer33 

There comes a time in your early twenties when you're sort of stuck between holding onto the youthful abandon of your teenage years and bracing yourself for the accountability of the real world.The people you meet in this time tend to be people that you cling to for dear life, and when a relationship forged in that time falls apart, it hurts more than any other before it, but you move on. In this song, she is able to be accountable, while he is not, and even though I get the feeling that HeE broke ties with HER years ago, she is the one who tells him off now, while he remains stunted. And while she is able to make her own choices now, she still longs for the old youthful abandon. God what a true-to-life tune.

Hey, that's really insightful, I think you got it.

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