Lyric discussion by Gabigs 

This song tears me up...I can relate to it fully. When someone you care so much lets you down it leaves a bruise within yourself that no other relationship you might have will heal. So it always reminds me of that friend-lover of mine I used to have, maybe someday I will be brave enough to tell him how much he hurt me inside, and that he really was the one that turned the knife inside of me acting like he did. And he left a hole. Slowly stepping out of that hurting situation and say goodbye is what this song means to me, and the pain it leaves you, even knowing that's the best and only thing you can do. These lines tell me so:

"I'm as dry as a seven year drought, I got dust for tears and I'm all tapped out Sometimes I feel broke and can't get fixed

I know there's been all kinds of shoes underneath your bed Now I sleep with my boots on but you're still in my head And somethin' tells me this time I'm down to my last licks..."

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