Lyric discussion by Porkula 

Alright, this is what the song means in my opinion... I could be wrong. shrugs It's worth a try =P. Breaking it down bit by bit:

"So there you are, and here I stand/ As far as I remember you weren't half bad./ Your bedroom behavior was never more then checkmarks on bedposts/ For I remember we never had." Basically, he's remembering a girl that he used to sleep with. As far as he remembers, she wasn't half bad in bed. And also he was "just" another person she slept with... another checkmark on her bed to check him off as just another person. And because of this, he realizes they never had a real relationship... just sex and no love.

"You get me out of the rain, you get me out of my clothes./ You hope I don't make a sound, you hope that nobody knows." She gets him out of his depression, and sleeps with him. She hopes that he dosen't say anything about sleeping with her and that nobody finds out.

"So suck your so called pity down./ Hey, that's not so bad, is it?/ So take your cold, cold heart and drown/ and don't forget to take deep breaths." He's telling her to basically get rid of the "pity" she has for him because it's not real. Also he's basically telling her to go and die... He dosen't want her to use him anymore... take her cold heart that has no feeling and drown. "And don't forget to take deep breaths" basically means kill herself quickly.

"So don't explain cause I know exactly what your going to say./ Big words, recycled phrases, and the bittersweet taste of other boys on your lips./ So now just sit here and talk about how you wanted it all." He's telling her to save her breath and not tell him things he's already heard her say. She'll also tell him about other guys she's been with, basically proving she's using him. He's also saying "talk about how you wanted it all" and how she'll lie to him once more and say she really wanted love from him.

"Do you miss looking up from the floor at my face on a stage in a crowded room?/ Well it's not the same./ I bet you're still a sucker for those famous faces." He's saying that since they broke up, does she miss looking up at him and realizing she's with someone "famous" and that she's still looking for "famous" guys to sleep with.

"Downtown, looking down, down, looking over the crowd, I hope you're out there, look at me now./ Well it's not the same./ Just look at how we've changed." He's basically saying that he hopes she's out there realizing that he's fine without her, as he's playing on stage, and basically he realizes he dosen't need her. Aka. They've both changed.

Well, that's my opinion. So share your opinions so I can see how close I am =P. The Academy Is... rocks meh socks

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