Lyric discussion by delial 

I've always thought of the shininess of her eyes as being a reference to drug use... but after looking up the whole "eye dilation" thing in relation to when you find a person attractive, suddenly I hear this song in a new way!

you see, when you view a person you are interested in, your eyes will automatically dilate, and sometimes become covered in a thin layer of tears, giving your eye a shiny, wide look. this is something you can't control, so if you really dig someone, they'll be able to tell -- if they know what to look for. so, deny your feelings all you want, but your eyes will give away your lies every time.

so now, whenever I hear this song, I think of it as the narrator being involved with this girl, and they have a fling during a summer circus or fair, and she winds up leaving the guy, claiming never to have felt anything serious towards him, but he finds himself reflecting on their time together, and the way her eyes always seemed to shine... which leads him to believe she was lying about not feeling the same way he did.

... although, I figure the song really is about drug-use induced eye shininess, but my theory is at least an interesting new take on it. =P

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