Lyric discussion by lucyb85 

It's about Frankenstein as mentioned above - Carol Decker said in an interview once that the inspiration for the song was watching a documentary about the author and story of Frankenstein... I had to study the novel in a Uni seminar last year and we brainstormed modern Frankenstein references, and I thought of this and nobody believed my theory, so I went away and painstakingly researched the song just to prove a point and found I was right!

It was a theme she had [Mary Shelley the author] on a scheme he had [Doctor Frankenstein], told in a foreign land [it's set in Switzerland, England and Scotland]

to take life on earth to the second birth, and the man was in command [create life - make a creature/man]

it was a flight on the wings of a young girls dreams that flew too far away, and we could make the monster live again [It was Shelley's fantasy, based on the original myth of Prometheus]

oh hands move and heart beat on - now life will return in this electric storm [it's a thunderstorm which sparks the equipment that brings Frankenstein's monster to life]

a prophecy for a fantasy, the curse of a vivid mind [it was a fantasy and not even remotely possible to create a life at the time in which the book was written, but it turned out to be partly true, with cloning developments etc]

don't push too far, your dreams are china in your hand; don't wish to hard because they may come true and you can't help them; you don't know what you might have set upon yourself; china in your hand [imagining or dreaming of something could lead to it happening and it might not always be good]

come from greed, never born of the seed, took life from a barren hand [Dr Frankenstein wanted fame and recognition from his scientist peers, his 'child' wasn't conceived the usual way, and seemed to come from nothing]

on eyes wide like a child in the form of man, a story told, a mind of his own, an omen for our time [Frankenstein 'fathers' the monster but it begins life as a grown man]

we take a flight on the wings of fantasy, then you push too far and make your dreams reality, yeah china in your hand, but they're only dreams and you shouldn't push too far [fantasy is one thing, but we should be careful not to make it a reality as Dr Frankenstein did?]

Not sure exactly what the moral of the story is but I have a feeling Carol Decker would be anti-GM and against cloning. Maybe it's just 'don't get carried away by dreams, they're just dreams?

Brilliant, I never understood the meaning of that song and you totally nailed this explanation. Well done lucyb85.

Brilliant, I never understood the meaning of that song and you totally nailed this explanation. Well done lucyb85.

@lucyb85 i am sure she meant to not be tempted but the idea of writing that book was a temptation. makes me wonder if i should write my story. i will have to pray. thanks for the insight.

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