Lyric discussion by humandoll 

It's a song about "Walking with God"; in chronological order, "I can see the hurt behind your smile"-it's similar to Psalm 139:16-"You know me inside out..." "Let me know what plagues you mind"-it's similar to Psalm 139:23- "Search me,O God, and know my heart; anxious thoughts". Then,"What's beneath the pain you feeling", Psalm 69:29-"I am in pain and distress...O God protect me"; Then,"Don't abandon me", Deut.31:6-"He will never leave you nor forsake you". Then,the Chorus-"I walk beside you", I Peter 5:7-"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you", Then, "Through all that may come and all That may go",Heb.13:8-"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and for ever". Then, "Rest your tired thoughts upon my hand",Mat.11:28-"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.", Then,"Tell me once again...",Psalm 141:1-"O Lord, I call to you;come quickly to me.Hear my voice when I call to you.", Then,"When hopelessness surrounds you... Don't give up,don't give in,Psalm 31:24-"Be strong and take heart, all you hope in the Lord".

It can be played on a Christian Radio Station...

I disagree. The verse "For every sign I recognize; Another one escapes me" means that this isn't an omniscient God or a follower of God speaking. More likely, it is a person to another person.

All the bible verses are meaningless coming from different books and not being in any kind of biblical order. Heck, I could find bible verses that make Slayer songs sound like they're about being with God.

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