Lyric discussion by Dirty_Idea 

I know it's bad form to say that other's opinions are wrong, but in the case of DSOTM, the meaning, the intended meaning; what Floyd were trying to get across, what they explicitly say they are trying to get through to us is the concept of regular, every day life driving you insane. All of the songs on this album deal with something common, be it rules, capitalism, passing of time, war... how could it all not drive you insane? Breathe deals with something so fundamentally sad, that we're mortal, that if we really understood it we'd all go mad. Instead we rush, rush, rush through life, always on the way to the next appointment, the next day, the next task, to our grave.

Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!

We all have our unique experience, our path followed, try putting order into living , conditioning , or do as your told, No , bugger that, its ok for rock stars to write and ponder with wisdom goodly intended, very well, I like , I love but not all of the above, be pushed , behave , it is what you make it, and some luck thrown in for spice , bless

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