Lyric discussion by loetz 

My strongest argument is that he’s closing/has closed off all thoughts of his ex.

All the folding in the video is a metaphor for Beck dismissing anything that ever happened with her. In the first part of the lyrics he could be talking about running into her and seeing that she is miserable because she messed up. She has a fake plastic wedding ring on and seems to be generally disheveled – She’s pounding on machines, strutting oddly on a beach. Then in the chorus he says that he knows he’s going to steal her eye -- as in she'll want to come back. But he’s going to make her die and put all memories (soul) of her where they belong. She throws a coin in a dust fountain -- as in she’s trying to make a wish that they'll get back together but everything is dead (dust). All she hears is white noise -- Beck wont respond to her. In fact, she has a ticket for a midnight hanging (he's putting an end to it all) “throw a bullet from a freight train leaving” He's sending her and all her baggage away and anything she can say wont hurt him (throwing a bullet)

There was a lot of imagery in the video. In one part we see a chalking of a lot of rainbows and hearts. One heart even has a BH in it! Then, that chalking folds up to show an outline from a murder scene. In another part beck looks at a sun guard that says “go now, paradise is knocking” and he folds it up to read “no parking!” Could these be symbolic? Is he folding up the promises of paradise, love and rainbows to show murder and denial? The video also features pieced together el camino. A camino is a path or a road. In the end of the video the el camino is toed away and Beck doesn’t seem to care. Maybe that was his pilgrimage away from this girl? Now that path has been crossed and “toed away” so that there is no going back.

This argument seems pretty sound to me but it still leaves a lot of lyrics and images from the video unexplained: 1.) what the hell is he saying -- “my… girl” 2.) bleached bones? 3.) black tongue tied around the roses? 4.) hands tied back and her rags were burning. crawling out from a landfilled life 5.) scrawling name on ceiling

I’m sure I’m missing a lot here. That video is rich with symbolism and imagery. There are completely different explanations out there too.

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