Lyric discussion by hubofhip 

Dead on, Law. Just to go into some detail:

Babs and Willie were very much in love, to the point where their kiss at the altar was a little much for the priest (Babs and Clean Willie were in love they said/So in love the preacher's face turned red)

But, the marriage fell apart into one of domestic violence (Soon everybody knew the thing was dead/ He shouts, she bites, they wrangle through the night)

So, babs decides she has to get away, but instead of divorcing Willie, with all the emotional and financial difficulties a divorce brings, she decides to run away to Haiti (She go crazy/Got to make a getaway, Papa say: Oh - no hesitation/No tears and no hearts breakin', No remorse/Oh - congratulations This is your Haitian Divorce)

She runs off with all their money, and lives the high life "for free": Bon Marche = "good buy" (She takes the taxi to the good hotel/Bon marché as far as she can tell/She drinks the zombie from the cocoa shell She feels alright, she get it on tonight/Mister driver Take me where the music play/Papa say)

So, she goes to The Grotto, and picks up a local and takes him home to REALLY get back at Willie. I love the fade to black reference, as if we are watching a movie... (At the Grotto, In the greasy chair/Sits the Charlie with the lotion and the kinky hair/When she smiled, she said it all/The band was hot so/They danced the famous Merengue/Now we dolly back/Now we fade to black)

So, having gotten all this out of her system, Babs goes back to Willie, and theymove on with their lives together: (Tearful reunion in the USA/Day by day those memories fade away)

But Babs is carrying a child. In denial, Willie comes up with all kinds of reasons to believe that the baby is his (Some babies grow in a peculiar way), although everyone else knows the real situation (It changed, it grew, and everybody knew: Semi-mojo)

Until the baby is born, and Willie sees his kinky hair, and is confronted, and confronts Babs, with the truth (Who's this kinky so-and-so?)

Fantastic song.

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