Lyric discussion by SlightlyShinobi 

I don't know the band all that well, I first heard the Moby version of this song before going after the original, but Here's my idea on it.

I think it's about having our perspectives on life constantly changed, constantly "Blown away" with the force of a friggin revolver, demolishing our perspective on life constantly.

The first verse is saying how we start out with bright limitless dreams in our childhood blissfull ignorance, but as we get older, we learn the life is harder, harsher, and more intense than simply "Growing up to be an astronaut"

The second verse kinda goes into how as we grow up, our parents teach us about life, and how it establishes our basis on life.

The third verse seem to be something about how our life ambitions change, how we just want to leave the world with some great accomplishment, and leave a name for ourselves, for people to look back on and remember you for.

The last verse seems to be about how people in the real world aren't always supportive like they work back in the comforting childhood days. Some people will tell you you're not going to amount to anything, and in a defiant kind of way it is follwed up by "That's when I reach for my revolver, that's when it all gets blown away" I think is kind of their way of saying "But, I don't have to take that crap" In kind of a changing of perspectives by his own will this time, rather than the harshness of the world around him for once.

I don't think it's so down as to say "The world is a disapointment, and almost seems like it'd be easier to just kill yourself and get it over with" as much as the revolver and blowing away is figurative to the destruction of our perspectives on life.

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