Lyric discussion by Yournewgod 

Lyrical Genius, a true poet in the heart of this post-human being (Far superior to normal humans.) Having gotten a degree in junior engineering and a award for being the most behaved all week from ‘The Lanchesterian Junior institute for children with special needs’ I consider myself gifted, like it said, I am special.

This song uses Ancient Aztec Mythology as a metaphor to outline how some of us are too busy worrying about death to enjoy life. How the existence of a god in our minds have made us believe in an afterlife and how we let this thought control us and, so that we are rewarded in death for something that may be fiction, we kill many innocent people and destroy the life we know does exist and as a result never enjoy it, all for what may be a lie.

As a result, this piece of art has been the target of much religious gunfire. But many artists suffer for their work, such as Leonardo Van Helsing, who for his art once crucified his daughter upside in a church that he set on fire in 1692 (Although he was let off when the judge admitted she was a little annoying at times.) This was not made to ridicule Christians’ beliefs, or even tell Christians what to believe. No, this was to teach us all that there is more to life than the hope of the afterlife. Feast on life while the diner is open, for tomorrow, it is converted into a Starbucks.

Of course, this is just how I interperate this masterpiece, this song speaks to many lyrically on so many different levels. However, being a strict Catholic, this deeply offends and I will be joining my colleagues in getting this filth banned. I don’t want to worry about life, the afterlife is more fun. You get to play squash with Albert Einstien and laugh at Gaudi (Who is in hell for not being a Catholic.)

The deep meaning revealed by your lyrical analysis is even more beautiful than the song itself. You are a gentleman and a scholar, my friend.

I just shed a tear from how amazingly impressive and emotionally revealing that interpretation was.

Considering you're such a gifted catholic 'Yournewgod', why don't you riddle me this? Where exactly in the bible did it say that if you don't believe in Jesus/God that you will go to hell? I'll give you a minute to work that one an answer? Didn't think so. BECAUSE IT DOESN'T. I'm not even a Catholic and I know more than you do about your own religion. You can go rot in hell you idiot. Considering you actually believe in it...

oh, and daft punk rules.

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