Lyric discussion by TxBxS 

if you listen to this song, it sounds like it's a beautiful song. if sounds seductive almost, like a love song even. actually, the first time i heard it and didn't listen to the lyrics, i told my friend it was gorgeous and she had to DL it. well, she came back to me and told me i was sick; had i heard the lyrics? so i listened. i think the irony of the song is what makes it so powerful. on the surface it is so seductive, you can't stop listening to it, yet the lyrics are aobut such horrible, graphic, terrible things. but we STILL LISTEN TO IT. and love it. it's like what's going on in our lives today. there is so much violence, corruption, and awful things that are blatantly exposed to us everyday, and we become numb to it. it doesn't even shock us anymore. moreover, we are ENTICED by things like violence, drugs, and sex. this song should shock us. we should turn it on and never want to listen to it again, because the lyrics, if you take them literally as i doubt they were meant to be taken, are basically SICK. this song is one of the best, most effective displays of what's wrong with our society today. you mask anything with an alluring appeal - and we'll love it. it doesn't matter what lies beneath the surface. we like this song, and look at what it's about. gratuitious sex, violence, drugs, among other things, and someone finding these things beautiful, and WE LIKE A SONG ABOUT THIS, because it sounds good. like the lyrics say - the joke's on us.

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