Lyric discussion by ruby13 

This song smacks your bitch up. I dont want to think about that.

I love this song, best song in the world from the best album in the world from the best band in the universe for that matter although some of you's might think thats too far. Its angry, passionate, confusing and dreamy and breath-taking. It encapsulates teenage angsty love perfectly. I think Pyrris' theory is applicable to Twilight to Starlight as Dawn to Dusk seems a bit more cynical and as Here is no why was written by Billy about a younger melodramatic himself. Its probably about virginity and death and of course love but I dont want to analyse it too much cos whenever I hear it I connect with it in an unexplicable way. I remember just being a week thirteen and hearing this cd which my brother had transferred on tape from years ago and although not it at first, luckily I didnt have another tape in the car so I made do and started loving it. It has such a brilliant intro, so delicate and entricate and I instantly that I loved this song. I can even remember the scenery when I heard the intro and listening to it again and again. I did notice the last line of stumbleine and emailed what was meant to be Billy Corgans email but got no reply, naturally. From the lines 'to the revelations' all the way to 'forever lost inside ourselves' it sounds frustrated, angry and a bit spiteful so beyondthestars theory is probably right but I think its putting himself and this person in comparison with the rest of the world as if he's so resentful to everything and yet he loves and adores her so much and how the two compound into complete and utter devotion to her. Its but with scars, hatred, love, desperation, realism, aspirations, wishes, awe and wishing for a true happy-ending though thats very confusing and sad but c'est la vie =}

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