Lyric discussion by Naked_Clown 

When I first heard this song, I thought, that's exactly what I've been trying to put into words for the past two years. I love my country, but I despise what George W. Bush and the right-wing propaganda have turned it into. I just wish the government would stop damaging our foreign relations, taking away civil rights, and butting into other countries' business. It just makes me feel ashamed to be American sometimes.

By the way, tps12, Morrissey's last name isn't's MORRISSEY.

LOL! That told randomer we don't know! I love Morrissey, he's just awesome. Yes, i am a TEENAGE MORRISSEY FANGIRL IN 2010! And my mother struggled to get used to the fact that I was a fan of Pat Benetar. God, I can't remember any of her songs now. I loved her when i was four. Well, mum, get used to Moz! The Moz for PM! Shit, can you imagine? We'd all be veggies! this is what my friend and i have been trying to do for ages! Turn others into veggies! Moz for PM is my new thing!

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