Lyric discussion by adsfkahsdf 

From the Encyclopedia Of Legal Psychoactive Herbs

SASSAFRAS -- Sassafras officinale albidum. Family Laureaceae
(Laurel family). Material: Aromatic root-bark of North American tree. Usage: Brewed as tea (1 oz./1 pt. water). Oil fraction extracted
in alcohol or distilled. Safrole is not water-soluble. Starting dose
100-200 mg of extracted and dried oil. Active Constituents: Safrole (non-amine precursor of MDA [3,4- methylenedioxyamphetamine]). Effects: Tea in large doses acts as stimulant and induces
perspiration. Safrole (MDA) stimulant, hallucinogen; aphrodisiac in
large doses, euphoriant in small doses. Contraindications: Safrole is toxic to liver (avoid repeated
use). Increases incidence of tumors in laboratory animals. Excessive
doses may cause vomiting, shock, aphasia, and death by central
paralysis of respiration. Normal use as tea is safe. Supplier: Fresh root wild, eastern USA, collected in early spring
or autumn. Dried root, MGH; young trees, RCS.

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