Lyric discussion by MyWords 

James has said that this is probably his favorite song he's written. In the newly-released "James Taylor Encyclopedia" by Joel Risberg (you can order it at, James is quoted as explaining the song's origins like this: "I was recording that Apple album [his self-titled debut album] and I took a break and went to an island off the coast of Spain called Formentera. And I met a girl there named Karin, and she and I took a boat to the next island, which was Abeetha - a larger island. We were just walking around there and missed the last boat back and didn't have any money for a room and we stayed in the street that night and waited for next morning when the boat would run again... She was asleep... and I was up and... I was thinking about my home in North Carolina and what it meant and stuff and that just sort of came down out of the air."

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