Lyric discussion by tinderbox 

The video clip to this one is up there with the best videos of Bjork, Janet Jackson or the Talking Heads: beautifully shot, tight on the music, and the interplay between daughter and father (played by Donald Sutherland) brings it alive. From one point it's a tribute to women as artists, the right to follow your own vision (she succeeds in bringing together the clouds and making them give), but it also deals with overcoming sorrowful things: her dad is distant, and finally taken away from her (the look on Kate's face in the video when he disappears in the agent's car is one you never forget). An amazing song.

Corrections: "Everytime it mins" should be "But every time it rains" and the final line is "Your son's coming out" ( I think ther's a pun here on son/sun just like in Shakespeare's "this sun of York" (Richard III)

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