Lyric discussion by user1951 

"If you tolerate this your children will be next" is a phrase applicable to many events in history. The British government effectively supported Franco by pretending there was a "blockade" of Spain and no arms could be provided "to either side". The Fascists got arms, the opponents did not. Who cares it was only Spanish peasants who were being killed and only Spanish communists who were being tortured...and then within three years it was our turn. You can interpret this any way you life of course, but we used to criticise other countries for imprisoning people without trial. We never thought our own allies would torture people and our government would applaud them. When you look at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo the phrase "if you tolerate this your children could be next" should inform our response. When I mentioned this song to an American friend she responded "we have plenty of manic street preachers over here!"

@user1951 Absolutely right.

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