Lyric discussion by Napoleon Solo 

Jesus's NOT HIRAJIMA it's "IWO JIMA", and it's NOT HIRAJIMA hill, it MOUNT SURABACHI, on which the flag was raised. You are correct Ira Hayes and five others raised the flag on the Mount, to show the end of Japanese control of the island. Only three survived Iwo Jima though. The picture was so loved by the public that President Franklin D. Roosevelt, had the remaining three survivors of which Ira was one, shipped home to aid war bond drives. Ira Hayes though asked to be sent back to the front lines, stating that "sometimes I wish that guy had never made that picture". Yes America was racist against indians, but Ira Hayes didn't die because of racism. After the war Ira returned to his reservation, disillusion by what he felt to be unneccesary adoration. Ira became a drunk, because he could not handle, the fact that he had been made a hero just because of one photo. Ira died in 1955 of exposure...

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