Lyric discussion by infotainment_lad 

This is the song that made me fall in love with the Smiths, great song. While I may have spoken about the ambiguity of the Smiths songs before, this does definitely seem to be about someone coming out to the object of his desires, and being rejected, mostly due to the line 'your prejudice won't keep you warm tonight', a great line, which really does point out the futility of homophobia, and indeed all prejudices: being gay/bi can be a source of pride, and makes you happy with yourself, but what does homophobia give you? Ah, I love this song so much, I recently came out as bi to my own would-be sweetheart (a girl, by the way), and she was disgusted, despite the fact that I pointed out this really made no difference to what I felt for her. So I started just quoting the lines to this... in hindsight, a fairly stupid idea, but never mind...

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