Lyric discussion by quiffporn 

xonix, did you actually read my message, because if you did, you obviously didn't notice the word "supposedly", in it.

At the time it was released, a lot of people looked at Richard Ashcroft (who lets face it, even at his best, looked as though he was strung out on skag), then looked at the title of the song and assumed that it was a song about doing drugs, and dismissed it, before even bothering to listen to it. Most notably, was the case of a radio DJ (I can't remember his name), who refused to play it on his show, gave an on air tirade about how it was irresponsible to talk about drug use, because it might encorage fans to do drugs aswell and how other DJs should be ashamed of themselves, for playing it. A few days later, he was forced to apologise.

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