Lyric discussion by jenazabab 

wow i have a good idea about what this song is about. ok this guy who is singing has just lost a loved one, probably his wife or girlfriend. when he says "I’m having trouble sleeping You’re jumping in my bed Twisting in my head Leave me

I’m having trouble breathing You’re sitting on my chest I sure could use the rest Leave me" i think this means that he feels her prescence with him, sitting on his chest and jumping on his chest. when he says "It’s you Why’s it always you and never me? I’ve never dared to let my feelings free Why’s it always you and never me? I’ve never cared too much about honesty" i think he feels responsible for her death. especially when he says "why is it always you and never me" i think he wishes that he could have taken her place. just a thought, it makes sense though.

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