Lyric discussion by AngelDust20 

While it would make sense to interpret this song as being about an affair, and it probably is, I have my own meaning for it. I like to think of it as about a doomed love between two people. I have a little expereince in that department. There was a time that I was in a very loving relationship, we were perfect for each other, but this girl happened to be planning on moving across the country because she wasn't happy with parts of her life. So basically, why would she keep expressing her love and all that when we both know that we were going to be torn apart. If she really felt that way, how could she be able to accept the fact that she'd never see me again when she left? So yeah, why would you say hallelujah, if it meant nothing to ya. Fuck if I know.

i know this was from years ago but i just wanted to say i feel your pain. this girl did the same thing to me. it wasnt across country but it was a distance. everything was great and i really thought things would work out. little did i know she had different plans and moved away. now she is back around and the feelings went flying again for us both but she is with someone. the hope is there but i get this feeling its just going to be a secret little friend love affair like the other comments... wouldnt...

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