Lyric discussion by brian92287 

In in extraordinary amount of press Conor has gotten lately, alot of the reviews of Digital Ash mention this song. They say this song is about the death of a friend in a car crash. I dont think think tragedy of a car crash is the topic of this song. It's more along the lines of his Desaparecidos work, with the metaphor of the car crash signifying the rising above the struggle of American capitalism and consumerism. The struggle hits its climax as the character is driving past the seemingly wretched classic american landscape of flags and baseball games, and disappears into somekind of restful peace.

Also, it may be a bit of a stretch but the line of "fucking with the radio" for some reason didnt strike me at first as a car radio, but like some kind of rabid lashing out against American capitalism in form of the god awful trash that gets played on the radio.

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