Lyric discussion by bugout429 

I see this as a rebuttal to having been spurned by a sanctimonious former-loved-one (and her entire circle) after an unrecoverable altercation, one which he was never even given the chance to defend himself or his position against. Here he's pointing out that she herself isn't the picture of perfect morality, "Will I watch your convictions melt like ice cubes in an ocean? You were so poorly cast as a malcontent..." and further acknowledges that having ended up in show bizness, he was bound to be surrounded by temptation that would inevitably prove too powerful to resist. The ancient boat is the Ark-like vehicle intended to spare the righteous from the flooding of the sinners, but doesn't necessarily insulate the passengers from the evils right outside. Even if they had been able to foresee trouble, they wouldn't have been able to prevent it as long as 'swimming in the muddy waters' was the nature of his breadwinning. The bottom line is that she knew what she was getting into when she got involved with him, and therefore is in no position to condemn him to the extent that she did. Clearly she enjoyed the benefits of his rising stardom, and could have been more understanding in the face of hardships.

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