Lyric discussion by DARSFoG 

Well, First of all. NO DRUGS! I am not an orgirnall fan, as in i wasnt born when they wrote this song. but i did have a tape of there greatest hits and i wore it out let me tell ya. but this song i have always loved. just hearing it a few minutes ago and really paying attention to the words made me think. ( i am not trying to preach or anything but) like shunammite kind a touched on. i really think this song is about one man who did lay his life down for us. Jesus.. listen to the words. It could be about a friend but with the line "When friends just can't be found" i really think it is mentioning somone else. jesus died for our sins, he laid down his life for us. he is there always for us, when we are moving right on by. Also in the 2nd "I will comfort you. I'll take your part." jesus took away our sins when he died for us. he took are place up there. But untill right before i posted this. i also thought it was a song about a dear friend (which i have used many times to help ppl) it sounds a little depressing, but it is a really nice and pleasent song.

yeah, you are an utter moron and obviously don't know a single thing about simon or garfunkel... its def. not about jesus you prick. both of them are JEWISH, you dolt.

you don't have to be jesus to simply be a friend that will always be there for you. GOD.

wow, even if that is all true, no need to act like a five year old and call people names for not getting the same message as you. the great thing about this song is that it can mean alot of different things. this song could be about friendship and being there for one another, it could be about drugs (even though many seem to think that its not, but "silver girl" was a reffrence that heroine users used during the 1960's and 70's) you cant deny that, its a fact. it could also be about God, this song was...

The beauty about art is that anyone is free to interpret their own meaning into what they se/hear ... the only morons are the ones who don't understand that!

My own interpretation could also be about relationship God has to us ... Or a parent assuring her child, that she will be there for her also in hard times!

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