Lyric discussion by tallulat 

Yeah the line I just might die with a smile on my face after all is the puzzler for me, everything else seems to be concluded in the posts above, obviously it's the reaction from one person to the other mocking their despair.

an idea I like and also think Morrissey quite capable of is that the line reflects some sort of twisted happiness at the knowledge that everyone will experience pain at some point in their life. "time's tide will smother you..."

You can only watch it from afar so long he seems to be saying to this other person and one day it will be happening in your life too and I will smile at the gratification of knowing that you will get your commeuppance for laughing...

The possibility of sex may come in also because now he has thought about the fate of this insensitive person and has concluded that they will regret it and pay for it someday its almost like he has forgiven them for their insensitivity

and so the as smithskid says the line "drove the point home." becomes a double entendre... (I hadn't noticed that before smithskid!!)

Also yet another possibliity is that it may represent some kind of suicidal ambition "times tide will smother you, and I will too..." may mean that he plans to punish this person by literally smothering them and commiting suicide with them in the car...??? and he will die with a smile on his face because he has shown that person that such despair can touch them too...?

All just my views though!!

See this is why Morrissey is such a wonderful song writer, many different meanings could be attrbiuted for this song and many others genius.

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