Lyric discussion by timbo.h 

Genesis lyrics are quite easy to work out esp. 70's songs. Generally up until Duke / Abacad time Genesis wrote stuff about greek and other ancient mythologies. Seems a bit ludicrous know looking back. I think they did this for several reasons - It seemed the habit of the day with the 70's prog rock bands. Tony Banks studied mythology (not sure of the exact title) at (I think?) Brighton Uni. Also I think it's quite easy to write songs about weird stuff like mythology, particularly for Genesis in that era as they didn't write anyting lovey dovey till follow you, follow me. However this song's lyrics are by Collins. Think this was his first lyrics he wrote entirely by himself (Hackett wrote the music!). Collins doesn't do the Banks and Gabriel lyrical thing so personally I think the lyrics meaning wise are a load of twaddle, much like Lurker (actually written by Banks!). It's just Collins mussings on life - line's aren't really connected. Lyrics are very much English (quintessentaily English - as i'd put it. Which originated with the Beatles.

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