Lyric discussion by unihill 

DJacques, the reason he references the holocaust is because it was a GENOCIDE! 20 million died in russia however that was due to selfishness, not the attempted extermination of an entire race and RELIGION (in case you had forgotten the song is about religion). He is commenting on the Christian docterine of repentance and forgiving - the Nazis denounced Christianity and commit crimes against humanity but Germany was instantly forgiven by the pope post 1945. And that aside, as many have pointed out to you, the song was written in 1964, a time when the true facts about Soviet crimes were held by the Soviets and the Soviets alone. In the Soviet verse he is not talking about the Soviets crimes, he is talking about the American/fundemental Christian attitude that 'God hates communism'.

Oh and by the way DJacques,

"That Dylan (and, evidently, you) only see Jewish deaths as worthy of recognition says quite a bit about how the American media is stacked"

  • I would prefer if you kept you small-minded anti-semitic views out of the discussion
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