Lyric discussion by 2Tired2TryAgain 

I would like to say thanks to Matt for writing this song about MY life in the past year.. lol.. Only Kidding, but this song like really is my past year. Cause I really do hate who I've been. I can relate to both a friendship and my relationship with Christ.

Proverb - A forceful and brief statement that expresses a basic truth. .. The sun always rises- that is a basic truth.

The second verse really gets me. I think its about someone who really doesn't have anyone to turn to, and even if they did they don't feel comfortable talking about it. So they hold it in, they get paranoid and jumpy. And all the pressure is building , even though they are getting away with everything. To them it feels like things are about to come crashing down. The next part, I feel is where they incorporate Christ into the song. "Reverberating footsteps synching up to the beating of my heart." Like Christ was already in his heart he had just screwed up and Christ was pounding hard in his mind trying to tell him to come back. "And I was positive that unless I got myself together I would watch me fall apart" Need I say more?
He says he couldn't let that happen again because he is humiliated about what he has done before and that he has has to pick up the pieces of his broken life all by himself.

The Chorus needs no explanation. It is very flat out. It's a confession to someone that he has messed up and he's sorry it took so long for him to see it and change.

Stay True, "Weyne"

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