Lyric discussion by Eatcarpet 

This song is about spirituality. It's like when you don't want to think anymore, just lose your mind and become child or animal-like. Then you would just act out of pure instinct and NOT CONSEQUENCES because YOU DO NOT THINK. You just "do". That's what "the results are always perfect" is all about. "I can't see the end of me..." is because emotions and instincts are what drives him, and not consequences. He doesn't think anymore. He just "do".

Do you remember, when you were still a kid? When you used to be happy? When you didn't actually have to think? You just "did". Well, now that is all gone, you are getting depressed because your thoughts are too strong. God, how I wish I was a child again. Or reincarneted as an animal. Or I just want to fucking kill myself. Yeah, that's probably how Kurt felt when he killed himself.

What you said is so wrong it's vulgar. No one knows what anyone is thinking before they kill themselves and it's preposterous for you to think you do.

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