Lyric discussion by Revelator 

This is my first post, I hope it's worthwhile.

It seems some sort of conflict is trying to be expressed, an internal conflict. These people that have claimed to, and should, love him have abused, mistreated, and finally all but completely forgot about him. This is expressed in the first verse. Those claiming to be his friends, or those puttiing up a false front, appearing true and good (pearls), in reality, have treated him no better than those whoe obviously just don't care outrite just cruel and cold towards him, and have essentially left him for dead (bereft of me). He was lost, and they made no attempt to help him on his way. He was alone, and they gave no true comfort or friendship to him.

In the chorus and first part of the second first he basically building self-confidence, telling himself and others that he's better than be's been treated, or been given credit for. He no longer needs their help, as if they had ever given it him anyway. Then he tell them to just stop pretending, and not to worry about trying to make amends, he's perfectly capable of doing himself.

In the second part of the second chorus is where he expresses his conflict or confusion. Despite all the ways he's been wronged, despite how far he's moved passed, for reasons that aren't clear to him, he still has compassion or feelings for them. This is in conflict what he said in the last part of the first verse. Here he realizes that these people do mean something to him.

Finally, the repetition of the chorus, in a sense, is kind of like a last hurrah. It's basically a final declation of his sense of pride and self-worth.

...or all of this could be complete BS. This is just my take on the song, and hopefully it might help a little.

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