Lyric discussion by RomanCandle 

If i could probably name one song that hits every single emotional cord in my body it would be this one. The song sounds so cold and lacking soul, yet its so powerful. I remember seeing Elliott live about 3 years ago and he performed this song on piano and the entire crowd was just standing there holding back tears.

basically like everyone before me said, its just about not understanding, and sometimes wanting to understand or not wanting to understand whats going on around you. Basically you put up this wall that keeps this gap inbetween you and the world and no matter what kind of happiness or feelings you come across you can't feel them, you simply can't understand, thus leaving the person emotionless and unable to connect wtih anyone. Always having this unbearable pessimism towards everything that makes those who you know you love drift away from you, no matter how much they show they love or care for you, you still continue to widen the gap making it impossible to love you back.

just my thoughts.

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