Lyric discussion by ch0gan 

An axe murderer claiming their latest victim... played out through music.

The first part is where he's sneaking around... muttering gibberish but generally keeping quiet... then the adrenaline builds up as he gets closer to the victim... then eventually, once they're within reach, he takes to them with his trusty axe :-).

Then we hear the scream of the victim as they realise what's coming to them. That's where the band kicks in and it all goes ballistic... as killer and victim flail around wildly. Then it starts to go quiet... as the victim's life slowly leaves them and then everything slowly fades out....

They did something very similar when they played 'Cymbaline' live in the late '60s, with the sounds of footsteps walking around the venue.

I think 'Careful With That Axe, Eugene', is actually supposed to be phrase the killer says to the victim just before he kills them... like it's his catchphrase he uses before each killing.

And only Roger Waters could create such a violent, depraved character and then call him Eugene :-).

good post

Maybe the whispering "careful with that axe Eugene" is a voice inside the killers head, but Eugene decides not to listen. Or maybe he just carefully swung the axe into the victims back!

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