Lyric discussion by ZeroOne 

I've got a live recording of them performing this song for a private show, and beforehand, Wayne talks about the song. Since I'm supposed to be working on a project, I'll summarize what he says, since its a long story. When they record songs in the studio, they are doing things really fast and just laying down a lot of tracks, and the part two actually came first. They were recording it with a girl named Yoshimi (she's the screaming girl), from a Japenese band The Boredoms. They were giving it a bunch of "silly joke titles", and Wayne just came up with Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots, since she screams a lot and "it sounds like this horrible machine is either trying to kill her or have sex with her or something like that". The Lips had also been working on a "melancholy melody" they hadn't really gotten very far on yet, for about a year. The line "Yoshimi, they don't believe me" popped up from Wayne from the title, and he started coming up with this whole story that didn't have much to do with Part Two. He says that the Yoshimi in the song isn't related to the real one at all, her name was just excellent for rhyming. He goes on to say how the track version has a very uplifting feel to it, that she will undoubtedly win the battle, and they then play a version of the song where she probably won't win. Its really awesome.

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