Lyric discussion by yeahyouknowme 

i think this song is about a friends with benefits situation gone wrong. somebody started to have feelings which as everyone knows is the #1 rule in these kinds of things. they only makeout when nobody's there...and they don't really let anybody know about what they're doing because it's nobody else's business. but then somebody started to feel taken advantage of in the relationship and feels as if s/he is being used by the other person...which s/he why'd you sing with me at all if you knew that you were never going to have feelings for me? question of my life

I've got to almost absolutely agree on that one, but I think it may be about two people who both like each other, but neither are ready for a relationship (which is what makes the situation so delicate, and there's implications that they're both aware that they're treading on dangerous ground; "the look on your face is delicate", "Why'd you fill my sorrow"). So while it is a friends with benefits situation, I think there are feelings there between both of them, not just one, it's just that one of them isn't ready for a relationship, and feels that they have...

I completely agree with both of you. I ask myself this exact same question (why'd you sing hallelujah?) when I think about how it relates to something 'delicate' that I had. I often wonder if he really ever did care though.

i'm in a similar situation. Well, it's delicate so. I love to view the new comments on the forum. Sounds lke you and I have a lot in common mixtape22. Quite a mix. ha ha ha hah aha ha ha. Seriously, I feel yah. I wonder if he did.

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