Lyric discussion by Alieno 

This song touches me in a very special way, and I think that's because it's magical... simply magical. I don't recall having ever heard a sweeter song in my life.

I first listened to it on 1998, when I was flirting with this girl who eventually became my girlfriend, a person with who I experienced many things and made me grow in many ways. Being her the best person I have ever met, I loved her with all my soul. But we didn't have a good start: after one week of relationship, she had second thoughts about me and so we broke up. She explained to me that I would regret being with her, that she feared love and that she had so bad experiences in her life with men that she didn't want to have heartaches again. On New Year's Eve, 1999, we were at the same party, and so I decided to speak with her and tell her now how did I feel at the time, and how I thought that the risk of this love was worth it after all, that I didn't mind suffering if that was the price to be with her at least one more week... She kept her mouth shut and stared at me as I spoke, but at one point she began to cry, and I didn't know why.

In that moment... "Stockholm Syndrome" began to sound in my head.

Today, now that years have gone by, I still remember that moment as a part of a beautiful movie made just for us.

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