Lyric discussion by quiffporn 

A (SIC) Maggot and fab666, what are you complaining about? Everyone has to get into Slipknot somehow, saying that anyone who didn't listen to them before the subliminal verses is stupid. A (SIC) Maggot, you even said yourself that you only got into listening to them after hearing IOWA, what is the difference?

I started listening to Slipknot from the first album, so by your logic, I should be able to look down on you and by the same token, my mate, who has a copy of Mate, feed, kill, repeat should be able to call me a posser. It is really dumb.

I think it is pathetic to try and prove how much of a fan you are, by pissing on people who haven't been into a band as long as you have. In my eyes, that makes you less of a fan, because a true fan wouldn't care how long other fans have been into the band, they would just be stoked, that other people are getting into them and have started to appreciate the music aswell.

So what if a lot of "preps" are getting into Slipknot because of 'Duality'? Can you honeslty tell me that you have never got interested in a band, based on one song? I know I can't. I started listening to them after hearing 'Wait and Bleed' If 'Duality' is the starting point for a bunch of "preps" to broaden their musical horizons, to incorporate Slipknot and rock music in general, then cool.

@quiffporn learn to give many less fucks about what others say, think or do... makes life a whole lot easier, took me until my late 30s to get it. Save yourself some time, get on the chill DGAF groove ☺️

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