Lyric discussion by TheExile 

The song, according to an interview with Metallica in the 80s, was written as a direct outcome of the televangelism scandal, where millions were given to two ministers who used it for their own personal gain rather than that of the church. The song reflects the control that religion, in specific, the Christian Church, has upon millions of people. They blindly follow their preachers and the story of a man who lived two thousand years ago, doing whatever their abstract lord says. I could go on with this for hours, but I won't, as this is not the place to do so. I was a member of the brainwashed elite for quite some time, but I've been questioning for quite awhile. A year or so ago, I left the Church and all organized religion behind and became agnostic. It remains as the best decision I've made in my life. This song reminds me of the chains I left behind.

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