Lyric discussion by hawrtbraykr 

This song doesn't make sense at all....oh wait, we're talking about Emininem who has never made sense in his life. He talks about pumping his fist against Bin Laden and that maybe his speach will reach Al Queda, but yet he's against the only person who seems to want to do anything about Al Queda...aka President Bush!

If Eminem really thinks his stupid little rhymes will influence Al Queda, his is just as naive as the rest of those left wing, hollywood types. Yeah, lets use our words to get to Bin Laden and Al Queda...lets just talk with them about it. Yeah, I'd like to see Eminem talk to Bin Laden....he'd be the next person on their home made videos getting his bleach-ass head cut off and then I won't have to listen to this crap any more.

Anyone who is ANTI-TERRORISM must be PRO-BUSH...I guess I mean anyone who is ant-terrorism and has a functioning brain....Eminem obviously doesn't.

hes not trying to reach bin Laden....hes saying look at the enthusiam these people have for hating us and to think on what those reasons might be, namely the way this country is being run. I am very much anti-terrorism, but far from pro-Bush, or pro-Obama. You can be one without the other...

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