Lyric discussion by chino69 

You guys are totally on the dot with what I believe. I think she is looking in the mirror and she has changed as a person, yet the reflection she sees hasn't. It possibly reminds her of a past. Or maybe she doesn't feel like she knows herself at all.

Amy Lee uses some really powerful analogies. It's just something that totally mesmerizes me and it gives me chills.

Particularly this partial stanza:

"But big enough to cut me into so many little pieces. If I try to touch her, And I bleed, I bleed,"

She's reaching for the broken glasses of herself and all she will do is get cut. I really believe now that Amy is looking into the mirror and seeing a part of her she doesn't ever want to be.

"I know the difference, Between myself and my reflection. I just can't help but to wonder, Which of us do you love. "

And now she is seperating herself in two. And each of her parts is so different from each other. They are polar opposites. So which one is to be accepted?

I'm willing to take this one step further. That while this song seems to have an open ending I think there is possibly an underlying message she is trying to take across. That to accept yourself as a whole no matter the extremes you will go to.

But the thing about Amy (which I love) is that she rights about situations without any particular answer. It really makes you think about the possibilities and something you can relate to for your special self. Man, Evanescence is just the bomb. I don't know why they have some haters.

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