Lyric discussion by DeBurgo 

I don't think this song is anything like Talking Heads' "Once in a Lifetime" because while both songs are about disenchatment with the suburban dream, the similarities end there.

"Once in a Lifetime" describes suburban lifestyle as the result of a river, implying that it's where you end up when you just let life take you and don't make any kind of effort to see or understand where your life is going. Or something like that.

I personally find "Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)" much more poignant and relevent and dramatic with respect to the contemporary state of suburbia, in which it has become this horrible behemoth in western society, whose center is cold and dead.

In the early 90s we saw a large sweeping wave of apathy as a result of a generation raised in this now aged institution of society. Now, a decade later, we are seeing throes of anguish and confusion from a generation drowned by their own neighborhoods.

There's a bit more to this song than just that though, that's just the beginning.

The entire Funeral album speaks to me of the difficulty and disillusionment of being a 20-something in today's world. In that way, "Once in a Lifetime" covers the same ground, but for the members of a different generation. "Power Out" speaks to the yearning and frustration of our isolated state of being as members of a disconnected suburban dystopia.

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