Lyric discussion by ladiezman808 

I think it basically pokes fun at christianity more than other religions, but he pokes fun at a lot of things. and this makes him god. (isaac)

"maybe we'll live again" and then 'I don't know I don't know I hope so', could not only be him saying it, but saying it quoting other people. in other words, making fun of people who can't even understand their own beliefs enough to voice them.

the title "ocean breathes salty" refers to what part of life he actually knows about. presenting actual physical things.

when you breathe in ocean air, it's salty. that's all I know, but it's better than you and your religion that you can't even explain.

I like that. People write dumb stuff on here all the time but that seems smart and I'm happy you took the time to share it. Just sayin.

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